Ryan M. Billingsrbillings@kmksc.com(414) 962-5110 The United States Supreme Court recently denied certiorari in an attempted appeal of a Seventh Circuit decision affirming a $280 million judgment, […]
David M. Henrydhenry@kmksc.com(414) 962-5110 Lien Waivers. You can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them. If you don’t provide one, you won’t get paid. […]
Lance E. Duronilduroni@kmksc.com(414) 962-5110 A pair of Wisconsin statutes enacted in recent years has leveled the playing field between condominium owners and their governing associations, requiring […]
Eric von Helmsevonhelms@kmksc.com(414) 962-5110 When selling goods to a customer on credit, one tool a creditor can employ to enhance its likelihood of being paid is […]
Alex E. Georgeageorge@kmksc.com(414) 962-5110 Filing a lawsuit starts a legal action, but proper service of process is essential for that action to continue forward. Whether the […]
Samuel C. Wisotzkeyswisotzkey@kmksc.com(414) 962-5110 A recent case from the Texas Court of Appeals serves as an excellent reminder to manage the lines of communications with a […]
David J. Genglerdgengler@kmksc.com(414) 962-5110 Consider a common scenario. As a supplier of goods, materials, or services, you are contacted by a potential customer who wants to […]
Zach S. Whitneyzwhitney@kmksc.com(414) 962-5110 The use of electronic means to conduct business is ubiquitous. The Uniform Law Commission, which drafts uniform laws for the states to […]
Kohner, Mann & Kailas, S.C., is pleased to announce that the United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin recently granted final approval of […]