Chair: Business Litigation
Antitrust, Unfair Competition & Trade Regulation
Appellate Practice
Bankruptcy/Insolvency Proceedings
Bankruptcy Representation
Business Advice
Business Litigation
Commercial Litigation
Construction Lien & Bond Enforcement
Counsel for Counsel
Class Actions
Data Privacy & Security
Discrimination Claims
E-Discovery & Compliance
Employment Law
Employment Disputes
Fraudulent Transfer Litigation
Insurance Coverage & Risk Management
Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Brands & Advertising
Lease Disputes & Commercial Evictions
M&A Litigation
Mass Tort
Non-Compete & Other Restrictive Covenants
Preference Litigation
Real Estate Transactions
Ryan Billings is a Wisconsin native who practices complex litigation, representing business entities in civil litigation, appeals and alternatives to litigation. Mr. Billings earned his undergraduate and law degrees from Ivy-League institutions before practicing for several years with Cravath, Swaine & Moore in New York City. He brings substantial experience to clients in business-critical litigation in regional, national and international settings.
Some of his high-profile cases include:
- Defeating an eight-figure counterclaim after an 11-day trial by convincing a jury that the firm’s client fully complied with the contract.
- Securing important ruling concerning the liability of commonly-owned companies in nine-figure antitrust action, resulting in settlement.
- Successfully representing Wisconsin businesses in recent antitrust case before the United States Supreme Court involving hundreds of millions of dollars in controversy.
- Securing injunction barring international reinsurance company from using his client’s cost models. Resulting settlement provided over $1 billion of new business for the client.
- Defending “Big Four” accounting firm against $1 billion lawsuit, establishing law of deepening insolvency.
- Defending Fortune 50 company against multiple shareholder class actions seeking billions of dollars in damages, resulting in favorable settlements.
- Securing order involving rare exercise of Wisconsin Supreme Court’s supervisory powers to address violation of client’s constitutional rights and vacate rulings of non-judicial referee.
- Defeating eleventh-hour injunction that would have prevented merger of international conglomerates.
- Successfully prosecuting numerous actions combatting breach of restrictive covenants and theft of trade secrets.
- Guiding telecommunications company through merger with another Fortune 100 company.
- Defending Fortune 50 company in SEC investigation involving the proper reporting of environmental remediation reserves.
- Defending securities trader in a massive investigation involving the Department of Justice, FBI, SEC and NYSE.
- Negotiating post-acquisition deal with Fortune 10 company, resulting in full release and 50% recovery of attorney fees.
- Successfully representing athlete banned from international sports because of use of prescribed medication.
Bar Admissions
- Wisconsin
- New York
- United States Supreme Court
- U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
- Eastern District of Wisconsin
- Western District of Wisconsin
- Southern District of New York
- Northern District of Illinois
- Bankruptcy Court of Eastern District of Wisconsin
- Bankruptcy Court of Western District of Wisconsin
- Bankruptcy Court of Southern District of New York
- Harvard Law School, J.D. (2004)
- Harvard Law Review (Notes Editor, 2002-2004)
- Princeton University, B.A., cum laude (2001)
Professional Distinctions/Honors/Awards
- Recognized by SuperLawyers.com as a "Super Lawyer" 2020-2024 and as a “Rising Star” 2015-2018
- Recognized by The Best Lawyers in America as a "Best Lawyer" 2020-2025 in Antitrust Law, Appellate Practice, Commercial Litigation, Electronic Discovery and Information Management Law, Litigation-Labor and Employment and Mass Tort Litigation/Class Actions-Plaintiffs
Representative Published Works
- Excellent Work Product: The Promise We Make To Ourselves And Each Other (Primerus Paradigm Winter 2022).
- Wisconsin Discovery Law and Practice (4th ed. 2015-2023) (Introduction to Discovery & Electronic Discovery Law Chapters).
- Restrictive Covenants: One Size Does Not Fit All: An Analysis of How Employee Non-Compete Enforceability Tests are Ill-Suited to Govern the Enforceability of Non-Solicitation and Non-Disclosure Agreements (ABA Bus. Torts. J. Aug. 2020).
- Mandatory Indemnification: Sue Me and You’ll Pay My Attorneys Fees (Wisconsin State Bar—Inside Track June 2020).
- Employment and Labor Law in Wisconsin (2019 ed.) Primerus Compendium.
- Legislature’s Changes to Rules of Civil Procedure, Wisconsin Lawyer Magazine, June 2018 (vol. 91, no. 6) (co-author, with R. Gegios and M. Bialzik).
- New Changes to Wisconsin Civil Procedure, Wis. Law Journal, Apr. 2018 (co-author, with R. Gegios and M. Bialzik).
- Amendments to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Should Aid Counsel in Helping Clients Limit Preservation Costs, Exposure to Discovery Sanctions, Wis. Law Journal, April 2016.
- How to Respond to Trade Secret Theft: The First 48 Hours, ABA Business Torts Litigation Journal, Spring 2015.
- Using the New York Convention as an Arbitration Tool, Wis. Law Journal, December 2014.
Professional Associations
- President-Elect, State Bar of Wisconsin, May 7, 2024 - June 30, 2024
- President, State Bar of Wisconsin, July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
- Board of Governors, State Bar of Wisconsin, 2019-2024
- Policy Committee Chair
- Executive Committee Member
- Liaison to the Business Law Section
- Wisconsin Judicial Council Member
- Fellows of the American Bar Foundation
- Fellows of the Wisconsin Bar Foundation
- Thomas E. Fairchild Inn of Court
- Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Bar Association
- Eastern District of Wisconsin Bar Association
- American Bar Association
- Milwaukee Bar Association
Community Involvement
- Permanent Member, National Eagle Scout Association
- Board of Directors, Harvard Club of Wisconsin