Many contracts today contain arbitration provisions.
Although similar to traditional litigation, arbitration presents unique challenges and requires knowledge and creativity to navigate those challenges. Arbitration offers privacy and can be an efficient forum for resolution of business disputes. On the other hand, arbitration provisions are often included at the end of long contracts without significant evaluation of whether arbitration is the best forum for resolution of likely disputes. If you are considering adding arbitration clauses to your commercial contracts, or are involved in a dispute under a contract that contains an arbitration clause, contact our experienced Business Litigation team to help you navigate the unique considerations involved in arbitration to obtain the best possible results quickly and efficiently. Call (414) 962-5110 to learn more.Sub-Practice Areas
Team Leaders
Ryan M. Billings - Department Chair
Melinda A. Bialzik
Zach S. Whitney
Samuel C. Wisotzkey
Lance E. Duroni