Electronic discovery is becoming an increasingly important (and expensive) aspect of litigation. KMK lessens the heavy burdens placed upon companies, in-house counsel, and executives regarding the protection of electronically-stored information pertinent to anticipated litigation and discovery requests.
The consequences of non-compliance can be severe and may include large monetary sanctions, negative inferences and jury instructions, dismissal of all or part of a case, or a summary ruling in favor of the other party without a trial on the merits. Officers, owners, and executives may have affirmative duties to preserve electronically-stored information (ESI) when placed on notice of litigation. Balancing the growing cost of ESI compliance against the risk of non-compliance in the face of emerging standards requires skilled and knowledgeable counsel.
KMK has developed the expertise to determine what may trigger a client’s duties to preserve ESI and the legal and internal processes that are required to protect clients. We consider existing continuity capabilities and seek to minimize cost and duplication by incorporating these processes whenever possible.
Working closely with our e-discovery vendors, we are able to propose a number of alternative solutions that meet your particular needs, control cost, comply with emerging standards, and maximize efficiency.
Our Business Litigation attorneys author Wisconsin’s seminal treatise on discovery law and practice, and their expertise is sought nationwide. Their successes in court on e-discovery issues have involved ground-breaking rulings for many of our clients. Call (414) 962-5110 to learn more.
Commercial Litigation Sub-Practice Areas
Team Leaders
Ryan M. Billings - Department Chair
Melinda A. Bialzik