When you’re looking for support of transactions, whether you have a large corporate counsel department or a legal staff of one, our Business & Financial Services group supports a full spectrum of activities to meet your specific needs.
KMK attorneys can act as retained counsel, responsible for the full range of operational legal issues, or can act as support for in-house counsel in non-standard areas or when workload precludes the full attention of corporate attorneys. We offer negotiation, drafting, and interpretational skills combined with a deep knowledge of transactional law, including Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code. KMK offers general advice and practical assistance regarding the legal issues resulting from day-to-day business operations. Because experienced in-house counsel often face issues that occur too infrequently to allow them to be current, or encounter priorities or demand peaks that preclude full and prompt attention to every legal concern, KMK gears itself to provide them with flexible support. Call us. We’ll work with you to establish a balance that maximizes the most cost-effective strengths of your in-house counsel and the diverse skill-sets of our transactional attorneys.Lender & Financial Transactions Sub-Practice Areas
Team Leaders
Samuel C. Wisotzkey - Department Chair
Samuel M. Draver
Alexander E. George
Matthew P. Gerdisch
Eric R. von Helms
Zach S. Whitney
Darrell R. Zall