KMK attorneys are skilled litigators who provide vigorous advocacy to deliver high-quality, creative, and cost-effective solutions for difficult and often complicated claims that arise in the railroad industry.
Our accomplished trial lawyers are well versed in risk management, regulatory compliance, transactional services, and litigation. They provide vigorous advocacy to deliver high-quality, creative, and cost-effective solutions for difficult and often complicated claims. Whether your case involves the Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA), the Federal Safety Appliance Act (FSAA), the Locomotive Inspection Act (LIA), or a different industry matter altogether, KMK attorneys help protect your interests and minimize liability. Our advanced knowledge of federal law and extensive experience with preemption of state law claims has repeatedly translated into client successes.
Our team has experience defending crossing claims as well as pursuing property damages from those who cause crossing accidents. And, we can handle the entire claims process, beginning with the preliminary investigation and continuing through trial and appeals.
We provide the highest legal representation for our railroad clients and can be available at a moment’s notice to assist with a claim. Give us a call at (414) 962-5110.