The State Bar of Wisconsin recently published the revised WISCONSIN DISCOVERY LAW AND PRACTICE (PINNACLE, 4th ed., 2011—available in hard copy and by on-line subscription). This year the publication contains a significant new chapter, Electronic Discovery Law written by KMK attorneys Stephen D. R. Taylor and Robert L. Gegios (with Matthew Stippich of Digital Intelligence Inc.).
The new chapter is the first treatise on electronic discovery law and practice published under the auspices of the Wisconsin State Bar (available here) and the first such work to explicitly address the 2011 electronic discovery-related changes to the Wisconsin Rules of Civil Procedure.
KMK is delighted to be at the forefront of this increasingly essential area of law. Bob Gegios and Stephen Taylor regularly present on e-discovery and to corporate and legal audiences. They are also the authors of a number of practical papers aimed at explaining electronic discovery and examining how to comply with the current rules while minimizing the cost and risk associated with doing so. If your company is looking for an in-house or attorney seminar on issues related to e-discovery, contact Robert Gegios at 414-962-5110 (